Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3: The End of a Galactic Era

Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 3

Dir. James Gunn

Guardians of the Galaxy Review (SPOILER FREE šŸ¤): 4/5 ā­ļø
Itā€™s the end of a galactic era.
Director James Gunn has done it again with an epic, yet heartbreaking conclusion to the GOTG trilogy. This movie is full of beautiful cinematography, out-of-this-world visual effects, and of course, an impeccable score. Although it takes some time to pick up, the 2.5 hour film left avid Marvel fans like myself attempting to balance the tears and the laughter all at once.

As indicated by the trailers, GOTG Vol. 3 instills a primary focus on Rocket Racoon, whose background we know very little about up to this point. The vivid storytelling and sheer passion this installment has is, to put it simply, just perfect. The film was bold and took a slightly raunchy approach to its CGI, something thatā€™s rare to see these days among PG-13 superhero blockbusters.

I walked out of the theater with my tear-stained hoodie reminiscing about the memories Iā€™d created with my favorite characters. With such a rapidly growing fanbase, itā€™s apparent why the franchise would want to take a safe approach to the finale, but Iā€™m so glad it didnā€™t. Most of all, the bittersweet ending really brought an end to my doubts about the MCUā€” Marvel, youā€™ve still got it.


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