It all started with a girl who dreamed of ruling the galaxy.

Many Saturdays ago in a movie theater not so far away, 12 year-old Kayla Giset proudly strutted into her local cinema in full Princess Leia attire, having yet to see the highly anticipated Star Wars: the Force Awakens film. With big dreams and even bigger opinions, the rookie movie junkie went on to write her first review; and although she hadn’t realized it yet, The Cinemagazine was born. Despite this, in order for Kayla to truly get her perspective out there, she had to be courageous enough to create the blog and go public.

My name is Kayla Giset, and I live just south of Fort Lauderdale, Florida. Being absolutely enthralled in a movie is an experience like no other. Whether it’s the captivating cinematography of a Darren Aronofsky film, or the underlying nuance of a Jordan Peele thriller, great movies always have one goal in mind: creating a connection with YOU. As you, the movie-goers, venture into the depths of The Cinemagazine, I anticipate that you’ll find the film that’s right for you, and hey, maybe even commence a debate or two. Anyway, enjoy the blog; I’ll start on the popcorn!

And she did just that.

What type of movie junkie am I?

Favorite Candy: Twizzlers

Favorite Movie Genre: Psychological Thrillers + Biopics

Favorite Chair Style: reclining, but NOT 4D!!

Favorite Movie: never expect me to answer this question (Call Me By Your Name)

Just sit back, relax, and fret not, we won’t let Nicole Kidman jump-scare you in an unprompted AMC ad.